This lesson aims to teach children that personal information should never be shared online. This personal information is as valuable online as it is offline, and should therefore not be shared without a parent or teacher’s permission.


Children understand that some information makes them easily identifiable and at risk online.

Children know that they should never give out their personal details online without a parent or teacher’s permission.


Explain to children that certain information should never be shared online. Full name, address, school, after school activities and sporting teams and venues are some of these.


View the video

At the conclusion of the viewing, discuss the contents, checking that the children have an understanding of stranger danger online.

Review the lesson, including these points:

What is special about personal information?

What is some of the information you should never share online?

Children should never share their personal information online without asking a parent or teacher first. Online includes the computer, mobile phone, or gaming device like Xbox® or PlayStation® Portable.


Create an instructional poster to show ways to stay safe online.